
ClockDisplay for MAGIX Video Pro X


The Clockdisplay adds an analogue or digital clock . It can be used for Sports events, technical tests etc. where a display of the time is of interest.


Date File Version Programs Operating system Realtime Comment
09.08.2018 0.4 Magix Video Prox X (only 64-bit) Windows 7-x64bit, Windows 8.x 64-bit, Windows 10-64bit YES Update for current VPX version und Win10, Memoryleak corrected


Download the file. Open the ZIP-Archive and copy both files into the directory „C:\ProgramData\MAGIX\Common\VfxPlugins“.


After the start of Video Pro X you will find the effect „VFXClockPlugin“ und addiotnal effects.

After selecting the effect you will see the following parameters:

Attention: The effect is set to „OFF“ initially. This measn the clock is not visible. You have to tick the check box: „On/Off“ to activate the effect.



Switch on/off the effect. In former Video-Pro X version it was not possible to explicitely delete an effect. Ein- und Ausschalten des Effekts. It was only possible to „reset“ it.

Clock Type

Select the type of the clock.

Parameter Description Comment
Analogue Clock Show Analogue Clock
Digital Clock Show Digital Clock
LED Clock Show LED Clock


With the first 3 Parameters you can determine the X- and Y-position and the size of the clock.

Parameter Einheit Minimum Maximum Description Comment
X-position Percent 0 100 X-position of the clock centre 0% = left edge of the video frame
Y-position Percent 0 100 Y-position of the clock centre 0% = left edge of the video fram
Size Percent 0 100 Size of the clock 100% = Max height of the video frame

Time Parameters

Start time

The clock starts at each clip begin with 00:00:00. With these parameters you can change the starting time.

Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Description
Start hour hour 0 23
Start minute minute 0 59
Start second second 0 59.000

Stop time

With these parameters a sa stop time for the clock can be set.

Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Description
Stop hour hour 0 23
Stop minute minute 0 59
Stop second second 0 59.000

The clock stops exactly at the specified time. If the clock runs forward the stop time has to be higher than the start time. Otherwise the clock will not start running. If the clock runs backwards the stop time has to be lower than the start time. Otherwise the clock will not start running.

additional time parameters

Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Description Comment
Count Down Checkbox When this check box is set, the clock runs backwards from start time down to 0 or down to the Stop Time.
Speed Factor multiplier 0 +100 this slider allows to accelerate or slow down the clock. Values > 1 accelerate, values < 1 slow down 0.10 = 1/10 speed, 10 = 10-times speed


Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Description Comment
Main Color Color Determine the main color of the clock - hands and points
Main Color opacity Percent 0 100 opacity 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque
Background Color Color Determine the background color of the clock
Background Color opacity Percent 0 100 opacity 0 = transparent, 100 = opaque

Digital Clock Parameters

Parameter Unit Minimum Maximum Description Comment
Font Select the display font When clicking on th ebutton a font selection window opens
Display Formats Select Box Select the format of the digital clock displayn hh:mm:ss.mmm = 23:30:20.020, hh:mm = 23:30


The folloiwng window opens for selecting the font:

Display formats
