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Impressum - Privacy


This Website is a private hobby website create and owned by:

Harold Linke

Gneisenaustrasse 13

D-54294 Trier


e-mail: harold.linke@t-online.de

Data Security

Article 12 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) requires that I declare „in a clear, transparent, understandable and easily accessible form [and] in a clear and simple language“ what is happening here on this website. On this homepage I provide plugins for video editors. The website does not collect any personal information. You also cannot enter any personal information.

The website uses the WIKI tool „DOKUWIKI“. (Https://www.dokuwiki.org/dokuwiki). An explanation of how DokuWiki uses your data can be found below.

The website is hosted at 1 & 1 (www.1und1.de). I have no control over where these servers are located and what information 1 & 1 uses.

1 & 1 gives the following information:

1&1 Webhosting

Which data of my web page visitors saves 1 & 1?

The following data are collected from website visitors who are anonymized directly during the survey:

  • Referrer (previously visited website)
  • Requested website or file
  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • Used device type
  • Time of access
  • Anonymized IP address (used only to determine the location of access)

In addition, a processing by 1 & 1 WebAnalytics takes place. (See below for details)

For what purpose is the data collected?

The data is collected for legitimate interest in order to ensure the security and stability of the offer and to provide the website visitors with the highest level of quality.

How long will the visitor data be stored?

The data is stored for 21 days.

Will visitor data be shared with third parties?

No, your data will not be disclosed to third parties.

Is there a transfer of visitor data to third countries outside the EU?

No, a transfer to third countries does not take place.

1&1 Webanalytics

Do I have to mention WebAnalytics as a customer in my privacy policy?

Tracking and logging are enabled by default. This must be mentioned in your privacy policy.

With which technologies does 1 & 1 determine the data?

The data is determined either by a pixel or by a log file. 1 & 1 WebAnalytics does not use cookies to protect personal information.

What data does 1 & 1 store from my site visitors?

1 & 1 does not store any personal data of website visitors, so that no conclusions can be drawn on the individual visitors. The following data are collected:

  • Referrer (previously visited website)
  • Requested website or file
  • Browser type and browser version
  • Operating system used
  • Used device type
  • Time of access
  • Anonymized IP address (used only to determine the location of access)

For what purpose is the data collected?

In 1 & 1 WebAnalytics, data are collected solely for statistical evaluation and technical optimization of the website.

Will data be shared with third parties?

There are no data available to third parties.


This website uses DokuWiki (www.docuwiki.org).

DokuWiki does not collect any personal data. DokuWiki uses some Cookies that are explained below.


Cookies sind kleine Textdateien, die von uns in Ihrem Browser gespeichert werden. Dadurch können wir Ihrem Browser ein kurz- und langfristiges Gedächtnis geben. Im Allgemeinen sind alle von uns gesetzten Cookies notwendig, um Funktionalität auf unseren Seiten bereitzustellen. Details dazu, welche Cookies von DokuWiki gesetzt werden, finden Sie weiter unten. Ihr Browser hat Einstellungen, um zu steuern, welche Cookies akzeptiert werden und wie lange sie gespeichert werden.

Eine Standardinstallation von DokuWiki setzt drei Cookies.


Wird zur Authentifizierung nach der Anmeldung verwendet. Dies enthält die notwendigen Daten, um einen zuvor authentifizierten Benutzer (erneut) einzuloggen.

  • Wichtigkeit: notwendig für alle, die sich einloggen müssen
  • Typischer Inhalt: verschlüsselter Benutzername und Passwort
  • Läuft ab: in einem Jahr


Wird verwendet, um hilfreiche Benutzereinstellungen zu speichern, z. B. die Größe des Editor-Textfelds.

  • Wichtigkeit: funktional
  • Typischer Inhalt: Name / Wert-Paare im Klartext
  • Läuft ab: in einem Jahr


Die Standard-PHP-Sitzungskennung. Wird verwendet, um temporäre Daten zu speichern und CSRF-Angriffe zu vermeiden.

  • Wichtigkeit: notwendig
  • Typischer Inhalt: zufällige ID
  • Läuft ab: am Ende der Browsersitzung

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