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VEGASPython Scripts

The following Python scripts are provided as they are. There is no warranty that they provide the described functionality.

Date min VEGAS Version Included in VegasPython Version File Version Description History of change
18.08.201917.01.01add_slowmotion_to_selected_clips.py 1.1 adds a slowmotion to all selected clips. Adjusts the clip length according to the slo mo ratio. Adds the SlowMo effect and updates the slomo rate of the effect 1.1 remove automatic start of analysis
23.06.201914.01.00add_2_second_gap.py 1.0 adds a 2 second gap between all selected clips
23.06.201914.01.00add_markers_at_interval.py 1.0 adds markers at specified intervals
23.06.201914.01.00add_markers_to_events.py 1.0 adds markers to all selected events
23.06.201914.01.00add_regions_to_event.py 1.0 adds regions to all selected events
23.06.201914.01.00add_transition_to_selected_events.py 1.0 adds transitions to all selected events
18.08.201914.01.01chopoff_begin_and_end_of_event_group.py 1.0 chops off begin and end of all slected event by a specified number of frames - includes all grouped events
23.06.201914.01.00chopoff_begin_and_end_of_event.py 1.0 chops off begin and end of all slected event by a specified number of frames
23.06.201914.01.00chopoff_begin_of_event.py 1.0 chops off begin of all slected event by a specified number of frames
18.08.201914.01.01chopoff_begin_of_event_group.py 1.0 chops off begin of all slected event by a specified number of frames
23.06.201914.01.00chopoff_end_of_event.py 1.0 chops off of all slected event by a specified number of frames
18.08.201914.01.01chopoff_end_of_event_group.py 1.0 chops off of all slected event by a specified number of frames - includes all grouped events
18.08.201917.01.01invert_copy_motion_track_to_pip_values.py 1.0 inverts the values copied by the script „copy motion track to pip“ in the PIP keyframes - result is a stabilisation of the tracked object on the screen. Usage: VEGASPython_Clip_Stabilisation_using_MT
23.06.201914.01.00limit_selected_event_length.py 1.0 limits the length of all selected events to a specfied length
18.08.201914.01.01limit_selected_event_length_group.py 1.0 limits the length of all selected events to a specfied length - includes all grouped events
23.06.201914.01.00limit_selected_event_length_to_4_seconds.py 1.0 limits the length of all selected events to 4 seconds
23.06.201914.01.01limit_selected_event_length_to_4_seconds_group.py 1.0 limits the length of all selected events to 4 seconds - includes all grouped events
15.08.201916.01.00vegasscenedetect.zip 1.1 detects scene changes in a clip and splits the clip accordingly (unpack the zip file into VEGASPython_PN folder. Detailed description here: VEGAS Scene Detect


To be able to use the VEGASPython scripts you need to download and install VEGASPython: VEGASPython download and installation page

Download the VEGASPython Script (extension .py) and store it in the VEGASPYTHON_PN subfolder of the directory where you installed VEGASPython. Download the ZIP-file (extension .zip) and unpack it in the VEGASPYTHON_PN subfolder of the directory where you installed VEGASPython.

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