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VEGASPython Clip Stabilisation using Motion Tracking


VEGAS 17 introduced an update of the Motion Tracker including planar tracking. The motion tracker is part of the Bezier Nask Effect. Together with the new PIP (Picture-in-Picture) effect the motion tracker allows to attach media to an object. To achieve this the VEGAS extension „Copy motion track to PIP“ has to be used to transfer the motion tracking information from the tracker to the PIP effect.

Instead of letting a PIP follow an object in a clip, you can use the motion tracker for stabilising a clip too.

The VEGAS stabilzer is already very good. The advantage of using the motion tracker for stabilising is that you can select the object that should be stabilzed.

Using the motion tracker for stabilising is done by inverting the values copied from the tracker to the PIP. This neutralises the movement of the object and it does not leave its position on the screen anymore.


The script for inverting the copied tracking values is availabel here: invert_copy_motion_track_to_pip_values.py


VegasSceneDetect is a VEGAS extension and can be found under Tools → Extensions → VegasSceneDetect. See image below (in German)

VEGASScenedetect has to working options:

  1. create sub clips in the mediapool
  2. cut a clip on the timeline

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