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VEGASPython Downloadpage


Version: 0.9

Release Date: June 10th, 2019

New Features: VEGASSceneDetect

Downloadfile: :en:vvegaspython_0.90.zip


Please find details for users on the following page: VEGASPython for Users

VEGASPython for Deveopers

Please find details for developers on the following page: VEGASPython for Developers


All files and directories in the zip file must be must be copied into one of these folders :

  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Documents\Vegas Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\9.0\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\9.0\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\9.0\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Sony\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\

I'm using on a Win10 system : C:\Users\Harold\Documents\Vegas Application Extensions

If the 'Application Extensions' folder does not jet exist, it must be allocated with exact this name.


VEGASPython is based on PYTHONNet and Python 3.7. I tested with Python 3.7.3.

Extensions included

VEGASPython extends VEGAS with following functions:

Simple functions to demonstrate the principle:

  • - Add2SecondGap
  • - Chopoff_BeginandEndofEvent_PN
  • - DeleteEmptySpaceBetweenEvents
  • - LimitSelectedEventLengthto4Seconds

New functions only available with VEGASPython

  • - VegasSceneDetect
  • - Import_PinnacleStudio_SceneDetectFile

The commands can be found in VEGAS under the menu point: Extra / Extensions


VEGASSceneDetect creates subclips of mediaclips from the Mediapool based on scene changes.

Usage: Select the clip in the mediapool Call the VEGAS Extension: VEGASScenedetect

A window with the preview of the clip will open. The grey bar at the top of the screen shows the progress of the scene detection. Pressing ESC when the preview window is active aborts the scenedetection process.

VEGASScenedetect is based on PyScenedetect by Brandon Castellano


Imports a Pinnacle Studio Scene Detection File that was create by Pinnacle Studio for a clip. The file must have the same name as the clip and has to be located in the same directory. The only difference is the extension .scn.xml for the scene detection file. When importing, VEGAS automatically adds the clips and all its scenes as subclips to the media pool.

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