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en:debugging_of_scripts_with_visual_studio_2017 [2019/06/16 12:29]
hlinke [Description of the Config parameters]
en:debugging_of_scripts_with_visual_studio_2017 [2019/06/16 12:48]
hlinke [Description of the Config parameters]
Zeile 55: Zeile 55:
 === debugmode=== === debugmode===
 +debugmode is the main switch for the debugging parameters.
 +"debugmode": false
 +The debug parameters are ignored
 +"debugmode": true
 +The debug parameters are used.
 +=== debugprecmd ===
 +Defines Python commands that need to be executed before the start of the Python script.
 +Here you can add commands that are needed by the debugger to start the debugging and connect with the embedded Python interpreter.
 +"debugprecmd": "import wingdbstub;print ('Wing Debug started')"
 +Imports the wingdbstub.py that is needed by WING Python IDE to start the debugging. You can remove this when you do not use WING Python IDE.
 +=== debugpostcmd ===
 +Defines Python commands that need to be executed after the end of the Python script.
 +Here you can add commands that are needed by the debugger to stop the debugging.
 +"debugpostcmd": "print ('Debug ended')",

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