VEGASPython Download Page


Date File Version Programs Operating system Comment
29.09.2018not available anymore 0.1 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit beta test version
14.10.2018not available anymore 0.2 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: Debugging support, Script hierarchy, Show Script Help
27.10.2018not available anymore 0.3 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: Call Pythonscript via Commandline, enhanced standard Python compatibility
10.06.2019not available anymore 0.90 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: Detect Scenes in Clips
16.06.2019not available anymore 0.92 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: Enhanced Debugging support
30.06.2019not available anymore 1.00 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: - VEGASSceneDetect - Update and Error corrections, VEGASPython Scripts can be called as commandline argument, VEGASPython Scripts now behave like other VEGAS scripts
18.08.2019not available anymore 1.01 VEGAS Pro 15.0 and 16.0 Windows 10-64bit Main New features: - VEGASPython Clip Stabilisation using Motion Tracking, some scripts support event grouping, Font and Fontsize of VEGASPython interactive Window configurable 1.02 VEGAS Pro 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.x Windows 10-64bit Main New features: - support for non-ascii characters in script names, VEGASScenedetect checks now if events are selected in mediapool and timeline and asks for confirmation


If you have an old version of VEGASPython installed, please remove it completely before installing a new version.

Download the file Open the ZIP-Archive and expand or copy all files including the folder „VEGASPython_PN“ and „Python37“ into one of the following folders:

  • C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Vegas Application Extensions\
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\
  • C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\
  • C:\ProgramData\Vegas Pro\Application Extensions\

I'm using on a Win10 system: C:\Users\Harold\Documents\Vegas Application Extensions

If the folder „Vegas Application Extensions“ does not exist yet, please create it exactly as it is written here.

After copying the files it is possible that you need to unlock the DLL file (Windows locks executable files that you download from Internet automatically).

How to unlock the VEGASPython.dll?

Right-Click on the file and select „Properties“. The propoerties form opens. At the bottom of the form you see a topic „Security“. Please check the „Unblock“ Checkbox and „Save“ the changes.


Please find details for users on the following page: VEGASPython for Users

VEGASPython for Developers

Please find details for developers on the following page: VEGASPython for Developers

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